
I am building a custom installer and at the moment of build a netboot image
i found with the situation described in the bug 737750.

I downloaded the source package of debian installer:

apt-get source debian-installer

>From the build directory, only change the in the config/common file the
USE_UDEBS_FROM variable to stable, and then build the image

make build_netboot-gtk

And the generated image not recognize the hard disk (bug 737750)

Then in the pkg-lists/netboot/amd64.cfg file I add the next lines and
rebuilded image detect the hard disk:

# full support for all types of hard drives, and usb devices

This lines are copied from the pkg-lists/hd-media/amd64.cfg file (The
hd-media image build and detect the hard disk)

This is a solution for the bug? or exist other way to avoid this bug?

Jorge Ernesto Guevara Cuenca

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