
Ansgar Burchardt <ans...@debian.org> (2015-05-05):
> [ Please send replies only to boot@ ]
> I would like to re-evaluate what we change by default for Stretch, that
> is the list of packages with priorities required, important and
> standard.  In general my plan involves installing less, taking into
> consideration that requirements and expectations what should be
> available in containers, chroots, on servers and desktop systems has
> changed (at least IMHO).

You've approached me/us a while ago, and I asked for a delay so that we
had a chance to release an Alpha before touching priorities. D-I Stretch
Alpha 1 being out, feel free to start moving things forward.

> Some ideas which might need further though:
>  * I would really like to not list libraries at a priority greater than
>    optional. This tends to accumulate cruft, cf. #758234
>    Examples from today's unstable: gcc-4.7-base, gcc-4.8-base,
>    gcc-4.9-base and gcc-5-base are at Priority: required.
>    libboost-iostreams1.5{4,5}.0 are at Priority: important
>    and so on.
>    As far as I remember, debootstrap already ignores priorities for
>    library packages (Section: libs).

[ snip ]

>  * It would be nice to have "init" demoted from required to
>    important: it is not needed in environments like (buildd) chroots.
>    This needs moving the essential bit to sysv-rc (which provides
>    invoke-rc.d and update-rc.d) and possibly other changes.

One has to be extra careful with that one.

>  * I'm wondering if "tasksel(-data)" need to be "important"? I admit not
>    having used it outside of d-i. Is the installed version used as part
>    of the install process? Or could its priority be lowered to
>    "standard" or "optional"?

Let's pretend I don't know how d-i & tasksel work. Looking at
src:pkgsel, I see the udeb has a postinst that calls the following:
| in-target sh -c "tasksel --new-install --debconf-apt-progress='--from 
$tasksel_start --to $tasksel_end --logstderr'" || aptfailed

so it looks to me the installed tasksel is used. Which isn't too
surprising anyway since (besides all tasks) src:tasksel ships tasksel
and tasksel-data binaries, which are both (not-u)debs.

>  * Same for question for "dmidecode": could the priority be lowered to
>    "standard"?

Looking at all our packages, dmidecode seems to be used by
installation-report (report-hw script), but it could be added to Depends
or Recommends thereā€¦

> Some priority changes which I believe could be implemented:

[ I haven't looked at those. ]


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