(cc-ing debian-accessibility@ for obvious reasons.)


Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <o...@debian.org> (2015-07-21):
> Package: debian-installer
> Version: 20150718
> Severity: normal
> in the 'Advanced options' of the multiarch CD, the speech synthesis
> install options for 32 bits have the same text regardless if they are
> for the GTK or non-GTK flavours.

As discussed on IRC, while the following might make you think that, real
life tests with the multi-arch image[1] say that this isn't the case:
| kibi@chloe:~/debian-installer/installer$ diff -Naur 
| --- build/boot/x86/spk.cfg    2014-11-14 02:15:40.488593198 +0100
| +++ build/boot/x86/spkgtk.cfg 2014-11-14 02:15:40.488593198 +0100
| @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
|  label installspk
|       menu label Install with ^speech synthesis
|       kernel ${KERNEL}
| -     append desktop=%desktop% ${VIDEO_MODE} initrd=${INITRD} 
speakup.synth=soft --- quiet ${CONSOLE}
| +     append desktop=%desktop% ${VIDEO_MODE} initrd=${INITRD_GTK} 
speakup.synth=soft --- quiet ${CONSOLE}


AFAICT only the gtk initramfs contains the needed bits to support speech
synthesis. Maybe we should drop this entry altogether.

Also, we have a Speech synthesis entry for the non-gtk mini.iso;
shouldn't we get rid of it?


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