Control: reassign -1 apt-setup

I think this should be fixed in apt-setup. It should add the installation media 
as an apt source if no mirror is setup.

Pirate Praveen എഴുതി:
> Yes, run the installer after the live system is booted.
> Raphael Hertzog എഴുതി:>> On Fri, 29 May 2015, Pirate Praveen wrote:>> On 
> Friday 29 May 2015 02:46 PM, Cyril Brulebois wrote:>>> It might be useful to 
> provide a log so that we understand what's>>>> happening here.>> Just tested 
> with "Graphical Install" from boot menu and grub install is>>> working. So we 
> can mention it as a work around. I will now try live
>>> install again and provide logs.> What do you mean with "live install"? 
>>> running the installer from>> the graphical interface of the live system 
>>> once started?
>> If the bug is only reproducible there, then it's not necessarily a bug
>> in live-installer but in debian-installer-launcher... and in the way it
>> interacts with the current desktop.
>> Cyril, don't count on me to look into this issue, I won't have the
>> time to handle this, sorry.
>> Cheers,> -- 
>> Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer
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