Václav Ovsík <vaclav.ov...@i.cz> (2015-03-18):
> I have a PXE booting configured with Debian installer for testing/jessie
> too. I noticed, that on help screen is only available label "menu".
> Labels "install" and "expert" are missing. I need also the text-only
> startup screen, because of DRAC SOL installations.
> I think this change is source of the problem:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/d-i/debian-installer.git/commit/build/boot/x86/prompt.cfg?id=1e9968331c7938461a52d8d8ed7bd6f4431fb40b


I can't look into it right now, but please open a bug report against the
debian-installer package (version 20141002 would be a good guess if said
commit is indeed responsible), so that it can be tracked properly.


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