2015-04-03 19:46 GMT+02:00 Karsten Merker <mer...@debian.org>:
> I have just stumbled over a missing png file on the index page
> of the installation guide:
> The heading of the section:
>   "Warning
>    This installation guide is based on an earlier manual written
>    for the old Debian installation system..."
> <tr>
> <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Warning]" 
> src="images/warning.png"></td>
> <th align="left">Warning</th>
> </tr>
> points to a graphics file images/warning.png which does not exist.
> $ ls images/
> caution.png  home.png  important.png  next.png  note.png prev.png  up.png

You can add the warning.png attached to this message in the same directory.
The provided picture comes from the same source than the other
pictures (Tango icon project). So the size and the style is the
equivalent to the other picture.

Thank you for catching it, I didn't see the need of 'warning.png' file.


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