Philipp Kern <> (2015-03-26):
> * Network configuration may hang after the domain prompt if a DHCPv6 server
> is present on the network. In this case installation can be continued by
> issuing "kill `pidof dhcp6c`" and "kill `pidof udhcpc`" on the console.
> And yes, also for RC1.

Thanks, just committed this:

  <dt>Possible hang with DHCPv6 stateful addressing</dt>
  <dd>Network configuration may hang after the domain prompt if a
    DHCPv6 server is present on the network. In this case installation
    can be continued by issuing the <code>kill `pidof dhcp6c`</code>
    and <code>kill `pidof udhcpc`</code> commands on the console.
    <br />
    <b>Status:</b> A bug fix
    for <a href="";>#768188</a> (which
    also affects Jessie RC 1) should be merged for Jessie RC 3.

Feel free to adjust if needs be, by committing to the cvs repository, or
by contacting debian-www people; I'll be offline for a few days shortly.


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