Christian PERRIER <> (2015-01-07):
> Well, the key here is grub-installer. I'm not online right now to
> check its status wrt testing, but if the last released version is in
> testing then it has one or two untranslated templates.
> However, this might *not* appear in its debian/po/ directory because,
> for a reason I can't explain, this directory was not up-to-date in git
> until 7 days ago. So, when it was last built debian/po/*pot and
> debian/po/*po were not including translations for templates added in
> 1e3cfde1a646ee642b6cd344b676b6d96e81a4fc
> What is hard to explain is why the update did not take place between
> Dec 3rd (when Steve commited the changes adding new tempaltes) and Dec
> 29th (when you built the package).

That'd be:


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