Samuel Thibault <> (2014-12-01):
> Cyril Brulebois, le Mon 01 Dec 2014 10:39:17 +0100, a écrit :
> > With the tasksel/3.25 upload and the default switch back to gnome, it
> > looked to me that the accessibility side was taken care of.
> What do you mean by "taken care of"?
> If you mean fixing them, the few accessibility issues that gnome 3.14
> aren't easy to fix, and thus most probably won't be fixed for Jessie.

I didn't see specific bug numbers by the way, but I rather meant what follows:

> If you mean taking accessibility into account when chosing the default
> desktop, well I thought it was done according to the version of the
> chart at the time:
> which clearly says that MATE is the best choice for accessibility, by a
> short preference over gnome, and that gnome was preferred over MATE for
> some other reason. Joey?
> Note that I'm not saying gnome is very bad for accessibility: as the
> chart says it's fine enough.  But for the best accessible usability,
> MATE is preferrable, thus the idea of tuning the default for the case of
> braille & speech.

I understand that now, but not the reason for the delay.

> Also note that it doesn't mean that accessibility shouldn't be taken
> into account for the default desktop.  There is still the common case of
> a computer installed before knowing that a disabled person will want to
> use it.
> > Since the wiki page seems to have been updated to include results from
> > [1],
> A long time ago, yes.
> > and since [1] didn't exactly call for mate as the default desktop,
> ??
> “MATE, not in this benchmarking, is the best solution.”
> “I'm sure MATE is the ideal solution now, given it's accessible for a
> lot of disabilities and also for sight people”
> It seemed clear to me, except that since at the time the poll was done
> MATE was actually not among the choices in the evaluation chart (and not
> even a task), Jean-Philippe made it a special case.


“[…] I think Debian won't choose it. So, alternatively, I suggest gnome […]”

which seems to enact that gnome is fine enough.

> > I'm still surprised this topic is only being brought up now. There
> > were almost 2-3 months to do so.
> Well, I don't remember an announcement about it.  I didn't know that
> the choice had been actually really settled, particularly since there
> were edits on the wiki page since them.  I was however seeing the
> distribution getting more and more frozen, and thus the current "gnome
> default" getting more and more settled.

Well, you could have asked; I never quite doubted we would be switching
back to gnome; and that having no further input we would stick to it;
and that part of the reason for that was accessibility.

> >  1.
> > 
> > (That also says compiz works inside MATE, but I only see compiz in
> > oldstable, so…)
> Indeed, since we didn't manage to package compiz in time for Jessie,
> AIUI MATE doesn't have a magnifier.  AIUI we still prefer MATE for the
> braille case at least.  Jean-Philippe ?


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