reassign 769736 tzsetup
tags 769736 wontfix

Quoting Christian Hofstaedtler (
> Package: debian-installer
> Severity: wishlist
> Please provide an easy way to select any other timezone apart from
> those matching the selected region. I'd suggest adding 'Other' to
> the short time zone list, which would jump to the full list.
> I often just hit enter on the region selection (defaults to US) to
> get 'American English' as the keyboard layout, but then I still want
> Etc/UTC as the TZ.

This has been asked for numerous times and it has always been answered
that selecting the location ("country") is precisely the key to get
the timezone one wants the machine to be setup for. There is no plan
to change this, indeed.

If you want to get American English as keyboard layout but do *not*
want US timezones, then do no pick USA as country. The one is not
related to the other.

The keymap question *has* an "other" option, this is the way you
should go : pick the language you want, pick the country where the
machine is and then pick the keymap you really want to use.

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