On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 16:36:42 +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
> For example, your interpretation would force base-passwd to lose its
> essential flag, because it can't provide its core functionality only
> when in unpacked state. Then, according to policy, base-files and
> *every* other package using any of the system users in any of its
> maintainer scripts would have to add a "Depends: base-passwd", since
> they depend on functionality which is only available after base-passwd
> has been configured.

Yes, indeed this is what I'd infer from policy. But I could easily be wrong.

> Frankly, I don't think that's what we want.

I would say that at least we do not want this at this point in the release
cycle as it appears be bear way too many risks.

Admittedly, all that *I* want is a working debootstrap, so I'm also ok just
having the changes in base-files for now (or maybe also in debootstrap).


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