Hi KiBi On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Cyril Brulebois <k...@debian.org> wrote:
> Cyril Brulebois <k...@debian.org> (2014-09-13): > > If you switch to a console after having selected Punjabi, and try: > > grep -i font /var/log/syslog > > > > you'll see two lines, the default one, then the updated one: > > [timestamp] gtk-set-font: Switching to font 'DejaVu Sans' for 'en' > > [timestamp] gtk-set-font: Switching to font 'DejaVu Sans' for 'pa' > > > > Unfortunately I cannot tell that the rendering is broken. I'll try to > > modify an image locally and see whether I can post some screenshots > > with Lohit fonts, so that you tell me if that's better. > > Here's what I've done: > - patched fonts-lohit-guru locally to build a udeb; > - patched rootskel-gtk to teach gtk-set-font about the pa = "Lohit > Punjabi" mapping; > - patched debian-installer to include the new udeb in its gtk build > (and the modified rootskel-gtk one, of course). > > The resulting netboot-gtk mini.iso for amd64 has been (detach-)signed and > uploaded to people.debian.org; you'll find a screenshot with both DejaVu > and with Lohit Punjabi in the same directory. I see rendering is > slightly different but I cannot tell if that's the expected one. Please > tell us! > > https://people.debian.org/~kibi/di-punjabi/mini.iso > [installation image] > https://people.debian.org/~kibi/di-punjabi/mini.iso.asc [gpg > signature] > https://people.debian.org/~kibi/di-punjabi/punjabi-dejavu.png [initial > setup] > https://people.debian.org/~kibi/di-punjabi/punjabi-lohit.png [updated > setup] > > Mraw, > KiBi. > Thanks for Images (iso and png). I tried Above iso (and tested various screens during installation). vs Weekly-build (which has issue). (Both Screenshot actually has no difference for Linguistic Rendering (display is different), but Disk Partition and Package installation has rendering issue to notice.) with Above ISO, issue is not there (fixed). thanks for your time to fix it for Punjabi. Regards -- Aman Alam ---------------- ਅਮਨਪਰੀਤ ਆਲਮ *ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਓਪਨ ਸੋਰਸ ਟੀਮ* https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/115252305373832476712 <https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ASAlam>