tags 103823 + potato

On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 05:37:28PM +0100, GAUFILLET Pierre wrote:
> Sorry to send you directly this mail, but I do not know clearly how the
> debian bug mailing list is working...
I will forward this mail to the bug. To send mail to the bug, which
also appears on debian-boot for boot-floppies bugs, just send to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] which in this case is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with this code to be able to
help. However, I see you are using the potato boot-floppies. You may
have better luck by downloading the current woody boot-floppies.


> So, I met the same problem on my configuration (BP6 SMP, kernel 2.2.19, NIC
> 8139C, the 8139too driver is integrated into the kernel, boot-floppies
> 2.2.23). During the network configuration, dbootstrap hangs.
> After a few tests, I found that, as I saw it in the previous mails,
> dbootstrap freezes was during network activation (call to ifconfig ...), and
> gdb indicates that the faulty instruction was :
>  while (fgets(line,MAXLINE,output) != NULL) in the function execlog in
> util.c, with output=popen("/sbin/ifconfig...","r"); just before
> More precisely, the program stops in fgets, in a "read" system call on the
> pipe "output".
> I do not understand the reason of this, but I tried some other things that
> can perhaps help you :
>  - I add a breakpoint on the fgets line and run dbootstrap until here. Then,
> with gdb I try "print feof(output)", awating -1 because ifconfig does not
> issue anything with this command line, but it returns 0 ! 
>  - I add fungetc(fgetc(output),output) in dbootstrap, just before the while
> and it freezes on the fgetc call this time.
>  - I comment out the log instructions (the whole while loop), and then
> dbootstrap runs correctly (excepted for the log of course).
> Well, my idea now is that the problem is not in the 8139too driver, but
> rather in the pipe management of the kernel or the libc. Before I read your
> mails, I was thinking about something regarding SMP (bad protection on pipe
> accesses for example), but it seems the problem has been identified even
> without SMP, right ?
> I understood you have not any 8139 NIC so you can not try anything about
> that. Well, if I can help or try something, tell me.
> Regards,
> Pierre
> PS : If you want to answer me, please use [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

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