Dear staff, I'd like to notify the following problems the installantion floppy images:
/debian/dists/Debian2.2r4/main/disks-i386/current/images-1.44/drivers-2.bin is drv14udma66 serie instead of drv14. /debian/dists/Debian2.2r4/main/disks-i386/current/images-1.44/driver-3.bin. The file was identified as disk 3 of drv14 serie, but had a "checksum error". /debian/dists/Debian2.2r4/main/disks-i386/current/images-1.44/safe/drivers-3.bin is drv14udma66 serie (shouldn't it be a drv14 serie?) Thankfully the idepci directory contained valid files, so I was able to install Debian. -- Feng Sian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>-----+--Linux Registered User--+ Christian, Rafting, Hiking and | no. 160781 | "Radical" sports fan +-------------------------+ PGP, PHP, Perl, Java, C++
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