Package: installation-guide
Tags: patch


partman no longer (since several Debian releases) supports changing of
the partition size afterwards (i.e. first choose 'Guided partitioning' and
then change the partition sizes via manuell editing. Or create some
partitions via 'Manuell partitioning' and change the sizes afterwards again
because you have wrongly calculated before).

d-i manual needs an update about this.

(Well, this makes the guided partitioning somewhat useless in several
conditions, but that's another story  ...)

Patch attached.


Holger Wansing <>
Index: using-d-i/modules/partman.xml
--- using-d-i/modules/partman.xml	(Revision 69258)
+++ using-d-i/modules/partman.xml	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -393,11 +393,8 @@
 If you decide you want to change something about your partition,
 simply select the partition, which will bring you to the partition
 configuration menu. This is the same screen as is used when creating
-a new partition, so you can change the same settings. One thing
-that may not be very obvious at a first glance is that you can
-resize the partition by selecting the item displaying the size of the
-partition. Filesystems known to work are at least fat16, fat32, ext2,
-ext3 and swap. This menu also allows you to delete a partition.
+a new partition, so you can change the same settings.
+This menu also allows you to delete a partition.

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