Steven Chamberlain <> (2014-08-21):
> retitle 758757 kfreebsd-10: d-i bugs caused by qemu-system-i386+kvm
> thanks
> On 21/08/14 00:23, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> > Using qemu-system-i386 with the -smp 2 flag, I started seeing weird
> > issues early in d-i:
> It seems more likely this was triggered by -enable-kvm (on a wheezy
> linux-amd64 host).
> Without that flag it looks reliable so far, even with -smp 2 (but I'm
> worried it could be non-deterministic).

While this might be a bug in the emulation layer indeed, another view
would be that -enable-kvm means stuff go quicker and you might have
higher chances of hitting race conditions.


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