
Brian Potkin <claremont...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon 18 Aug 2014 at 23:07:11 +0200, Holger Wansing wrote:
> > I have prepared a patch for this (attached) and I would like to receive 
> > some 
> > thoughts on it. 
> > I have added Samuel Thibault in CC, since he has also some knowledge and
> > interest on the d-i manual.
> > 
> > Basically I moved the chapter "Appendix D.6. The Graphical Installer" to
> > 5.1.8 (at the end of "Booting the installer on 32-bit PC"), leaving the
> > content unchanged.
> Defaulting to a graphical (gtk) frontend on i386 and amd64 would mean
> that it becomes the regular frontend, unless it is desired to credit the
> "newt" frontend with some special status.

>From a global point of view, the graphical frontend is still something
special, an exceptional case, since it's only available on 2 archs out
of 8 in Jessie. So I would leave the text installer on 'regular' status IMO.

> In the context of Section 5.3.2. there is a difference between the
> "text" and "newt" frontends. But for many users the distinction is lost
> and the present "regular" frontend as presented in the user interface is
> a text one.
> > And I moved chapter "Appendix D.6.1. Using the graphical installer" to
> > 6.1.1 (at the end of "How the Installer Works"), leaving the content
> > mostly unchanged (only the first line differs).
> Section 6.1 uses "character-based" instead of "text". It would be nice
> to have some consistency in referring to the alternative to the default
> graphical installation.

Ok, I could take that into account. But not in the first step. At first I
want (where possible) to move the paragraphs around without changing the
content, to avoid unnecessary work for translators.
There will be further changings needed later IMO, though (when Cyril
shakes the order of boot entries around, for example :-) ).

> >  For a normal installation, select either the <quote>Install</quote> or
> >  the <quote>Graphical install</quote> entry  &mdash; using either the
> >  arrow keys on your keyboard or by typing the first (highlighted) letter, 
> > the
> > -<quote>Install</quote> entry is already selected by default &mdash; and 
> > press
> > +<quote>Graphical install</quote> entry is already selected by default 
> > &mdash; and press
> >  &enterkey; to boot the installer.
> I'd restructure that to draw attention to the default highlighting and
> to have it read better.
>   For a normal installation, select either the “Install” or the “Graphical 
> install”
>   entry — using either the arrow keys on your keyboard or by typing the first
>   (highlighted) letter — and press Enter to boot the installer. The entry 
> "Graphical
>   install" is already selected by default.

Yes, that's sounds better.
But I would implement that later on in a second step, see above.

> > +The graphical version of the installer is only available for a limited
> > +number of architectures, including &arch-title;. The functionality of
> > +the graphical installer is essentially the same as that of the regular
> > +installer as it basically uses the same programs, but with a different
> > +frontend.
> Replace "regular" with "text"?

As stated above, I personally would leave it at regular.

> I'm unsure whether a reference to the X Window System is useful, even
> for those who know what it is.

For users who have worked with Debian in the past already, it would not
hurt to leave that hint in place. And novice users don't get
irritated too much by this IMO.

> In Section 6,1 the paragraph beginning "For this architecture the ...."
> would need the default user interface and the link altering. There are
> also a few other links in the manual to Sections D.6. and D.6.1..
> In Section 5.3.2. should the default frontend reference become "gtk"?

Not for all archs, so that would at least have to be conditioned.
Will look into it.



Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>

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