2014/08/12 1:12 "Jonas Smedegaard" <d...@jones.dk>:
> [...]
> Still you are talking about cost in time.  Few I have met in developing
> countries were poor measured in time available.
> [...]
Developed country (Japan). My wife makes me scrimp on everything, so I
still have megabit/sec download. Fiber or 10 Mb/s copper would cost me some
JPY1000 a month more, up to about 3500/mo. (Roughly JPY100 to USD1.00.)
So, when I download DVDs, I plan on leaving the download going all day.

But I don't download DVDs because the installer will go to the net for the
latest anyway, if you let it. Of course, that means upgrading to Jessy is
going to be two days of down time.

Joel Rees

Computer memory is just fancy paper,
CPUs just fancy pens.
All is a stream of text
flowing from the past into the future.

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