
Ian Campbell <ian.campb...@citrix.com> (2014-04-19):
> Now that armhf only has a single kernel flavour I think we can simplify
> the installer setup a bit.
> Firstly by moving the armmp subarch to the top level and secondly by
> dropping the version from the kernel filename. Leading to
>         installer-armhf/201403XX/images/netboot/initrd.gz
>         installer-armhf/201403XX/images/netboot/vmlinuz
> rather than
>         installer-armhf/current/images/armmp/netboot/initrd.gz
>         installer-armhf/current/images/armmp/netboot/vmlinuz-3.13-1-armmp
> (similar for netboot-gtk and network-console).

I see no objections in doing so. Worst case, if the need for a new
subarch arises, we can reintroduce subdirectories…

I'm not exactly sure how many consumers of these images there are. But I
guess anybody unhappy about the change can yell at us, so that we know.

> Since dropping the version suffix requires a kernel udeb change as
> well I think the best time to make the change would be as kernel 3.14
> goes into unstable. So I plan to make the kernel change in svn soon
> unless someone objects and defer the d-i bit until it is uploaded.

Sounds very sensible to me (with s/svn/git/).

> I also think it would be useful to include the DTBs in the installer
> output, since they are needed almost everywhere these days and are
> sometimes not all that easy to get hold of (I had an idea there was a
> related bug report, but I can't find it). I've got a patch which copies
> all the packaged DTBs into the installer:
> moves all
>         installer-armhf/201403XX/images/device-tree/sun6i-a31-colombus.dtb
>         installer-armhf/201403XX/images/device-tree/omap3-igep0030.dtb
>         installer-armhf/201403XX/images/device-tree/imx27-apf27dev.dtb
>         [... many more...]
> This also applies to the armel/kirkwood subarch
> installer-armel/201403XX/images/kirkwood/device-tree/kirkwood-mplcec4.dtb
> installer-armel/201403XX/images/kirkwood/device-tree/kirkwood-lschlv2.dtb
> installer-armel/201403XX/images/kirkwood/device-tree/kirkwood-ns2max.dtb
>         [...]
> I'm a bit worried that this might imply a greater level of support for
> any board with a DTB than we actually offer. Not really sure how to deal
> with that, probably more of a docs issue than anything.

I'm going to trust arm* people's judgement on this topic.


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