Colin Watson <> (2014-04-14):
> I heard about a parted regression this morning and fixed it more or less
> immediately:
> parted (2.3-20) unstable; urgency=medium
>   * Fix crash when opening FAT file systems (LP: #1306704).
>  -- Colin Watson <>  Mon, 14 Apr 2014 11:44:43 +0100
> This was a consequence of the fix in 2.3-19, though (which was itself a
> fix for #743816, grumble), and 2.3-19 just migrated to testing despite
> the newer upload on its way into unstable.  So this is just a heads-up
> that you may see some reports of parted_server segfaults in d-i due to
> this.

Thanks for the notice. If you feel it deserves a higher urgency than
medium, it can still be overriden (talking to me or the release team
should work).


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