Control: retitle -1 installation-reports: failure to partition/install grub <> (2014-03-01):
> Base System Installation Checklist:
> [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it
> Initial boot:           [0 ]
> Detect network card:    [0 ]
> Configure network:      [0 ]
> Detect CD:              [ 0]
> Load installer modules: [0 ]
> Detect hard drives:     [0 ]
> Partition hard drives:  [E ]
> Install base system:    [ 0]
> Clock/timezone setup:   [0 ]
> User/password setup:    [0 ]
> Install tasks:          [ 0]
> Install boot loader:    [E ]
> Overall install:        [E ]
> Comments/Problems:
> I am install debian Jessie (testing) from burned iso (KDE) desktop, although 
> it does not matter which DE is chosen. Install recognizes hardware correctly. 
> When partition the HD, chose EXT4 on one partition. The installer does format 
> and partition the HD. After partition is complete, and error reporting linux 
> kernel is unavailable or busy does not know about changes. The installer 
> offers 
> you to ignore or cancel this error. In any event it will just keep providing 
> those options. If you reboot, and attempt installation again, partitioning 
> takes place, and the error does not happen again. At the end of the 
> installation process, it does not offer you to install grub, and installer 
> fails out, nothing happens. 
> In short, the installer does not install or correctly install grub, and 
> system 
> is unbootable upon restart. 


is there any chance you could access /var/log/installer/syslog on the
installed system, and share it by attaching it to a mail sent to this bug
report, so that we get a better idea of what failed, and how?

Until an alpha image for jessie is released, I'd suggest using a wheezy
installer and upgrading to install jessie at the moment.


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