Control: tag -1 patch pending
Control: found -1 20131211

erusan <> (2014-02-10):
> Package: debian-installer
> Severity: important
> Dear Maintainer,
>    The recent switch to XFCE as the default desktop for Debian is not
>    reflected in the Debian installer's Alternative desktop list. That
>    is, GNOME is not an option anywhere, and XFCE remains in the list
>    of "alternatives".

That's correct, thanks for reporting this. I believe it should be fixed
by the following commit:;a=commitdiff;h=aa27246c9291f56620fb86b3f5eff20db4ccdff6

I have only checked the presence of desktop=... in /proc/cmdline for the
booted environment, and navigated a bit in the menus to make sure they
look OK, but didn't complete any full installation.

The F8 boot screen looks OK too, I believe, even if we're almost running
out of characters on the desktop line.

>    There is also no indication of what the installer is actually going
>    to install, leaving users with a rude realization when they boot
>    into their fresh install.

I'm not sure we want, or need, to be explicit about what's getting
installed (be it the desktop or anything else).


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