Here's the situation...

I want to try installing without internet access. I have excellent internet access at home, but there are enough folks on the users list who don't enjoy that privilege. I'd like to be able to help them with useful answers. Hence my questions...

I've jigdo'ed a full set of the install DVDs. I can fit the iso's on three 16GB USB sticks. I can boot the machine from a "netinst" CD and do most of the install from it. When the install comes to the part where it's configuring apt, I tell it *not* to use any internet mirrors.

At the part where it asks about CDs other than the initial installer disk, I'm ready with the USB sticks inserted. By switching to the <alt>-F2 console, the DVD images can be loop mounted from there.

So here's the part I can't figure out...

How do I tell the installer to look at the /dev/loop* devices
instead-of/in-addition-to the physical CDROM drive?



PS: Wouldn't it be nifty if the installer could do all that without switching to the <alt>-F2 console for behind-the-scenes magic?

Once I get the magic worked out, I'll submit a wishlist bug for such a feature.

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