Thanks for the summary, and sorry for the lag.

Christian PERRIER <> (18/02/2013):
> yaboot-installer:
>  - need more review.

I'll try and do that soonish.

> debian-installer-netboot-images:
>   - wait RC1 release, then upload
> --> I have a ready upload

I guess that's OK.

> flash-kernel:
>   * Move u-boot-tools to Depends so that the mkimage program
>     is available. This will allow installing the kernel on Linkstation
>     Pro/Live. Closes: #693839
>   --> fixes an RC bug. Upload?
> --> Seems to be NACKed. Move to jessie branch or revert?

Given Martin's answer, looks like it wants to be reverted, the bug
reopened, and tagged moreinfo?

> live-installer:
>   [ Raphaël Hertzog ]
>   * Reduce Installer-Menu-Item to 6490 to take precedence over
>     bootstrap-base in the ordering computed by d-i's main-menu.
>   * Change Italian translation of "Install the system" to something
>     else than base-installer's Italian translation of "Install the base
>     system" (“Installare il sistema base” → “Installare il sistema”) to
>     avoid confusing debconf with a list of two identical entries.
> --> Seems to be RC2 material. Waiting for an ACK and I can upload

That one was uploaded; I really hope it breaks nothing, or I'll fetch
a pitchfork and hunt people.


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