On Fri, 2013-01-11 at 15:36 +0100, jswmb01x wrote:
> Yes, indeed !
> It's about wheezy-xfce (testing - build cd binay-1 20121217-05:10).
> During installation I got a  ~"missing rt28xx" message and was asked to 
> provide a "floppy" with the firmware. Answered "no" and proceeded with 
> installation. As such the installation is OK, but it looks there are missing 
> pieces or some access rights / configuration problems (see also #697331, 
> #697327).
> Having found a fix (not the best solution) for #697331, #697327 I wanted to 
> configure the WiFi device. I added
>   deb http://ftp.be.debian.org/debian wheezy main contrib non-free
> in /etc/apt/sources.list
> and installed firmware-ralink (v 0.36)
> Then I started the xfce "network manager" (parameters -> network 
> connections), filled in required information and wanted to check the status 
> with iwconfig.
> Could only find this :
> root? 
> root? find / -xdev -iname *iwconfig*
> /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/iwconfig
> root? 

iwconfig (wireless-tools package) is obsolescent, but certainly iw and
crda should get installed.

I previously reported that against task-laptop (#653717) but since
desktops commonly also have wireless networking I think that
task-desktop should include them as well.


Ben Hutchings
If you seem to know what you are doing, you'll be given more to do.

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