Brian Potkin <> writes:

> On Thu 20 Dec 2012 at 21:13:49 +0000, Philip Hands wrote:
>> Brian Potkin <> writes:
>> > Now "auto=true url=" is surely “auto” mode? Except using something like
>> >
>> >    auto url=file:///mnt/./preseed.cfg
>> >
>> > does not delay the locale and keymap questions. This is either a bug in
>> > the documentation or in the preseeding component of d-i.
>> It looks more like either a mistake in the auto target in syslinux
>> config, or a misinterpretation of the meaning of the auto examples.
>> Are you specifying this auto bit as kernel options, or as the name of
>> the kernel target?
>> If the former, so if you're just adding auto on the end of the kernel
>> command line, then you're misunderstanding what is supposed to be
>> happening.
> At the beginning of B.2.3. there is
>      To illustrate this, here are some examples that can be used
>      at the boot prompt: . . . .
> All three examples which follow begin with "auto". So I typed
>    auto url=file:///mnt/./preseed.cfg

It's not clear from your reply if you added that to the existing command
line, or that was the complete command line.

The confusion here is arising from the fact that we're using "auto" in
two difference contexts.  If it's the first thing on the command line
then it's used as the name to look up which kernel to boot in the
syslinux config, and where defined that will include the relevant
options, whereas if not defined it will simply throw an error and do

auto is also defined as an alias for auto-install/enable

If you specify auto as a parameter, then it needs the = after it as
otherwise the preseed code ignores it completely, so if you're simply
adding the auto on the end of the default command line (so just after
the quiet bit, say) then it won't do anything, as the preseed code will
not see it at all.

> The functions of the two parameters I did understand. What "The same
> effect" refers to still puzzles me.

It means that using the "auto" boot target has the same effect as using
the normal boot target and adding those options on the end of the
command line.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.          
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND

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