Gaudenz Steinlin <> (17/09/2012):
> When we added this code to netcfg during GSOC I first also feared that
> and we even had our own very minimal UUID implementation at some
> point.  But we then found out that libuuid is already included in the
> initrd because it's a dependency of util-linux-udeb (blkid) which is
> needed for udev-udeb. So we decided to reuse this instead of adding
> more code.
> Also in my amd64 build:
> $ ls -lh ./tmp/netboot/tree/lib/
> -rw-r--r-- 1 gaudenz gaudenz 19K Jun 23 11:06 
> ./tmp/netboot/tree/lib/
> So here it's much smaller...

Michael mentioned that on #debian-gnome:

And there you go? (I checked it's indeed available within d-i.)


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