Another workaround, was to select expert install, and modify command line to include "vga=0".
At least that worked on ASUS EEE 701 model.

Default framebuffer resolution is too high for EEE 701. Installer does not detect, if monitor/LCD is capable to display that.


On 08/25/2012 02:35 PM, Ben Armstrong wrote:
On 25/08/12 07:29 AM, wrote:
please have a look at bug 655505. I reported the same or similar
bug at 11. January 2012 with the installer. Now I wanted to try out
if the bug is solved.
Sure, no problem with that. But in that case, since you did an actual
install, an installation-reports bug would have been appropriate. Also,
if you think it's the same bug, why not file additional info on 655505
instead of filing a new bug? (Though looking at that bug now, it would
probably be better to reassign to the kernel if your suspicions that
it's a kernel issue are correct. It doesn't seem like a bug in the

Because I use the netbook daily for work now, I don't install a new
release at my own risk. That's why I first try a live version and if
everything is fine I will install later. Because there is no
official live built image of Wheezy I had to built it myself.
And no problem with that, either. However, booting a live image is not
an install, so an installation-reports bug is not appropriate.

For testing a beta release of Wheezy it would be good if you create
an official live built image rather than to force the user to make
an installation.
And as soon as we (speaking for the debian-live team, now) can, we will,
of course. The fact that we have not yet should tell you something. (It
is not from lack of caring that they are not there yet.) Meanwhile,
please file bugs against appropriate (pseudo-)packages to help us track
issues better.

Had this particular issue been a problem with the live build service or
live build toolchain, the live team might not know it because they
generally do not follow the live-boot list. The only reason I even
discovered that this involved a live image is because you put "netbook"
in the subject which is a particular interest of mine.

I do not want to discourage you from filing reports. It is much
appreciated. I am just concerned about them being misdirected so they
don't get attention, or else needlessly tie up time being reviewed by
the wrong team. I hope you understand.

Back on-topic again, in 655505 you talked about Knoppix cheatcodes. In
response, you were told how to blacklist modules. Did you try that? It
seems the most fruitful line of inquiry here would be to close out this
bug and reassign that one to the kernel, continuing to try to narrow
down what it is about the kernel that hates your hardware.


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