> diff --git a/debian/netcfg-common.templates b/debian/netcfg-common.templates
> index e7d11a6..8dc1c44 100644
> --- a/debian/netcfg-common.templates
> +++ b/debian/netcfg-common.templates
> @@ -333,11 +333,14 @@ Description: for internal use; can be preseeded
>  Template: netcfg/link_wait_timeout
>  Type: string
>  Default: 3
> -_Description: Waiting time
> - Enter waiting time (in seconds) for detecting the link.
> +_Description: Waiting time for link detection
> + Please enter the maximum time you would like to wait, in seconds, for
> + link detection.
> + .
> + The time should be specified as a positive integer.

You don't want to "wait in seconds"..:-). Also, I don't think it's worth
mentioning that a time has to be entered as an integer (at least here).

Also, the synopsis should have a final colon as this is a prompt.

My proposal:

_Description: Waiting time (in seconds) for link detection:
 Please enter the maximum time you would like to wait for
 network link detection.

>  Template: netcfg/bad_link_wait_timeout
>  Type: error
>  _Description: Invalid waiting time
> - The waiting time you provided is not an integer. The time must be provided
> - in seconds, as a single decimal integer.
> + The value you have provided is not valid. Only numeric characters are
> + accepted. The time must be provided in seconds, as a single decimal integer.

_Description: Invalid network link detection waiting time
 The value you have provided is not valid. The maximum waiting time (in
 seconds) for network link detection must be a positive integer.

If it is decimal, it can have decimal values such as "3.5". As you
don't want this, just mention that it should be a positive integer.

Let's specify what we're talking about in the synopsis. That's
important if the invalid value was preseeded as this error will seem
to pop up from nowhere when the value is checked.

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