Thank you very much for your reply and explanation. We will follow the
advice and instruction.

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Christian PERRIER <>wrote:

> Quoting Eagle Burkut (
> > ug_CN is a well established locale for Uyghur (Uighur) language in China,
> > which uses modified Arabic-Persian. Then, what is the best way to name
> the
> > Latin based Uyghur locale used globally? Should a locale be always tied
> up
> > to a specific country?
> >
> > Which one of the following names are best and acceptable? Could you
> please
> > explain the pros and cons of each one?
> >
> > ug@latin
> > ug_CN@latin
> > ug_US@latin
> I would recommend ug_CN@latin at first, as Uyghur language development
> and use is mostly located in the country called China nowadays (I know
> that things can be politically sensitive when it comes at these
> things...).
> If the development of Uyghur language extends to some other countries
> in the region (such as Kazakhstan), then adding one or more locales
> for these should be fairly easy to be accepted by glibc upstream.
> ug@latin is IMHO the second possible choice but it is slightly
> incorrect as a locale without a country modifier should really be
> reserved to artificial languages such Esperanto, that have by
> definition ne "country" linked to them.
> I think I already explained why I think ug_US@latin would be a bad
> idea....

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