Dear Beloved, I refuse to walk in unbelief, I have come to the right place where the word of God operates in my life in spite of prevailing situations. I constantly gaze at the word and refuse to be distracted for as I continue to look I'm being transformed to the image of him that called me.
I write this to you on behalf of Hope Orphanage home in order to solicit for your financial support and assistance. Hope Orphanage home is a non-profit, non-governmental and humanitarian organization that is concerned with the welfare of orphans, widows and destitutes in the society. At the moment, Hope Foundation is catering for the needs of 97 individuals. Be a talker and doer of the word of God. (James 1:25), Be lead by the spirit. (Exo. 40:36-38). God love humble and contrite person Isa. 66:2. Be faithful in your responsibility. (Pro. 22:7). Be diligent in your responsibility . (Heb. 10:38-39). Beloved, as you are aware of, running an organization of this reach and magnitude has its own challenges. One of the most serious of this is that finances. Without adequate funding, the organization will become moribund. Over the years, we have depended on the goodwill of kind-hearted individuals like you who donate generously to the Orphanage home. We are appealing to your large heart to do the same and we are assuring you that your money will never be diverted to other channels. This is thanking as you make someone’s life meaningful. Whatever you can give will be channelled into buy Food Items for these Children. We are built up an habitation for God (Eph. 2:21-22). God's presence is in your habitation. (Ps. 91:9-10). We are Builders together with God. (1Cor. 3:9). God is the cheif builder. (Matt. 16:18). God built you with his word. You build with God with your substance. (Exo. 25:1-9). Fred Allibone, Hope Orphanage home. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive: