Title: I've got your messege

Hey...... what's up!  What's up!

                      I got your e-mail
               which was a big surprise,
                        but as I read it
    it started telling me, how I caught your eye.
       How we where made for each other
and you wanted me to check out your web site,
                  So went to your site
      I would'nt lie it took a minute or two,
                   but when I got their
               their was no sign of you,
            No video, No phone number
            only another e-mail address.
               So.... here's my reply
           and I hope I passed your test
   because a good laugh is hard to come by
  even if the joke is coming from the best.

   e-mail me soon (but with more info about you>>>>whats your real name and phone?

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