Quoting Jeroen Diederen (jjhdiede...@zonnet.nl):
> Another thing I noted was that /dev/sda (my USB stick) did not get
> automatically recognised as 'cdrom' while it was automatically
> mounted when I did not use a preseed.cfg file. I could however
> easily mount the drive from busybox in the installer with a
> preseed.cfg file. It would be nice if this could also be fixed in a
> newer D-I.

For this we need to have cofirmation of the exact image you were
using. There have been very recent changes, IIRC in load-iso or such
packages. Maybe try:

- the daily built *netboot* image
- installing unstable, not testing

Anyway, if there's an issue, it should be reported in another bug
report to avoid confusion.

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