Adam Di Carlo wrote:

> "Uwe A. P. Wuerdinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>1. It faild while using our local debian mirror by telling that ther
>>was a korupted dpk file. That file is not korupted.
>>The trueth is that that none dpk file was downloaded.
>>I'm nut sure but maybe that's a problem with our mirrorserver woh's
>>not 100% http 1.1 clean.
> This would require more investigation, protocol analysis, etc.
> You don't necessarily need to be using the installation system -- you
> can play around with busybox wget on a fully installed system, should
> behave the same.

I've done that and this error doesn't happen.
I don't get it.

> That's what debootstrap uses for http/ftp.
>>2. It faild while using
> I just tested with  There was a failiure
> caused by missing psmisc (fixed in, but after I fixed that
> everything was peachy.
>>the package installation complains about a not installed fileutils.dpk
>>(on screen 4)
> It helps if you tell us the exact error which is on tty4 .

I'm sorry coused of very high work load I wouldn't be able to test thins 
for the next 4 to 6 weeks :-(

greets Uwe
X-Tec GmbH
Institute for Computer and Network Security

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