Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> I've built and uploaded updated versions of boot-floppies 3.0.16
> prerelease 
just tested for i386 on a laptop, doing just a base install. Used
idepci  tree disks set from
~aph/debian/dists/woody/main/disks-i386/3.0.16-2001-10-24.  Installing
via pcmcia (xircom rbem56g-100, cardctl says cbm ) over my home net
http-proxy. Booting/installing from floppy runs ok up to reboot.
Sometimes (before and after first reboot) screen gets cluttered from
messages like 'getty: usage ....', and message for 'INIT: Id "S"
respawning too fast, wating 5 minutes' (these do not break lines well). 

Since reboot is done now, all further things should be relatet to
packages, not boot-disks...

After reboot and base config i selectet task-laptop and task-german.
Problem occures with a frozen console sreen after a while of download
and installing of missing packages (auto-selected from base-config rsp.
tasksel). Screen shows up some red or blue colored cursor boxes, not
blinking, between cluttering msg, as descibed above. Hitting <CTRL>c
brings up a 'Configuring Locales' dialog. While writing this, screen
cluttering msgs from above write over this dialog again. Moving around
with cursor keys only update selection list area from config dialog,
hitting <TAB> let's you find <OK>, next screen is ok again.

Kernel-NFS complains about rpc.mountd instead of mountd configured in
/etc/inetd.conf. On a brand new system this should not happen.

> The most critical thing that we need feedback on is busybox/powerpc
> issues.

Now, since my home proxy is tested well :) i'll give my prep-ppc a
chance these days. I hope to be able to give a report 'till Friday.
> Please reply to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Ok, but i'm not realy reading this one. Please reply -if- with cc to me
or <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, would you?


  Gehard Kroder

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