Thank you Miguel Figueiredo for your kind response.
To save your time, there is no need to reply, unless you want to.

>  Only hpt366 is available on Debian's kernel.
( Currently Debian Squeeze,  to be V6. )

OK, I assume my 'HighPoint HPT370 raid controller 2001' is, or is
partially supported, or not at all, in di-RC2.  No need to reply.

> pata_ modules are marked as experimental
>  and are not compiled so they are not missing.

I look forward to the new Debian Testing images.
I trust Experimental will mature to Unstable then Testing over the
coming months.
If not, I MAY trial Experimental Image iso, just to see the result, so
no need to reply.       2011.02.06
> The new testing wheezy starts as a copy of the old testing squeeze and not 
> unstable.

> As your controller was detected and works i am closing this bug report.

I appreciate your time spent and your reply Miguel.
>From the time I spent here, and searching,
I am sure you appreciate, it was not my intention to waste your time.

Thank you again Miguel Figueiredo for your response,
and everyone involved in producing Open Software.    Regards, McTech.

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