clone 604153 -1 reassign -1 debconf retitle -1 Doesn't properly handle languages with variants (such as s...@latin) thanks
Quoting Aleksey Sergushichev ( > Package: keyboard-configuration > Version: 1.59 > Severity: important > > > After installing keyboard-configuration from testing (1.59) post-install > script fails with message: > Setting up keyboard-configuration (1.59) ... > Template parse error near `description...@latin.utf-8: KonfiguriĊĦi > tastaturu', in stanza #1 of > /var/lib/dpkg/info/keyboard-configuration.templates Arg. debconf doesn't properly handle this (cdebconf does). Cloning to reassign the clone to debconf. I really wish to see this fixed for squeeze+1 so that we can support Serbian (Latin). In the meantime, we'll drop the s...@latin.po file from console-setup. It's useless anyway. Thanks for reporting this.
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