Hi all,

- Another BR related with the documented os-prober issue.
- hibernation doesn't work with lvm

Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards,

Miguel Figueiredo

--- /home/elmig/debian/webwml/english/devel/debian-installer/errata.wml	2010-10-31 11:23:36.289833000 +0000
+++ 20101101_errata.wml	2010-11-01 14:29:03.166856000 +0000
@@ -11,18 +11,27 @@
 <dl class="gloss">
+	<dt>Hibernation doesn't work with swap on lvm</dt>
+	<dd>
+	Resuming from hibernation doesn't work if swap is on lvm. initramfs 
+	doesn't recognize the uuid of the swap partition on 
+	/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume.
+	See <a href="http://bugs.debian.org/568877";>#568877</a>.
+	</dd>
 	<dt>Network/Graphic/Storage card doesn't work properly</dt>
 	There is several hardware, notably network cards, graphic cards and storage controllers, that require binary non-free firmware to work properly.<br />
 	Debian is commited to free software values and never make the system require non-free software (see Debian's <a href="http://www.debian.org/social_contract";>Social Contract</a>). So, non-free firmware is not included in the installer.<br />
 	But if you want to load any external firmware during installation you are free to do it. The process is documented in the installation manual.
-	<dt>zipl installation problem that makes s390 uninstalable</dt>
+	<dt>os-prober causes data corruption if filesystem is being used by another host</dt>
-	If created a dedicated partition for the /boot directory system-boot 
-	fails after installation.
-	See <a href="http://bugs.debian.org/519254";>#519254</a>.
-	</dd>
+	os-prober causes data corruption on setups where filesystems are 
+	already mounted on other hosts. This issue has been identified on 
+	a SAN setup and on a virtual machine that uses an existing logical 
+	volume. 
+	See <a href="http://bugs.debian.org/599203";>#599203</a> and 
+	<href="http://bugs.debian.org/556739";>#556739</a>.
 	<dt>os-prober causes data corruption on a SAN setup</dt>
 	os-prober causes data corruption on a SAN setup; 

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