reassign 597087 partman-auto

Quoting Nelson A. de Oliveira (
> Package: debian-installer
> Severity: normal
> Tags: d-i
> Hi!
> Sorry if it's already known or already reported, but trying to make a
> install (with 20100916-10:40 daily-image of kfreebsd-amd64) on a disk
> with 166 GB of free space, using the guided partitioner (selected the
> option to split /home only), I had these partitions created:
> 7.0 GB /
> 5.9 GB swap
> 153.2 GB /home
> The machine has 2 GB of RAM (just in case the RAM size is used to
> calculate the swap space size).
> Isn't 5.9 GB of swap too much? It's 3 times the size of the RAM and almost
> the same size of /
> Also, isn't 7.0 GB for / too little?

With current partman-auto, that would be 10GB, which is the maximum
size give for / in partman-auto "home" recipe. Any desktop system
(which is often  what the "home" recipe is chosen for) fits in this.

The swap size is maximized to 3 times the system RAM, which is
apparently what you got.

I think one can read about everything...and the contrary...about the
optimal swap size.

Indeed, 3 times the memory size seems too big, particularly with large
amounts of RAM ("large" varies over time!).

Good pointers welcomed to eventually adapt this...

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