Thanks for your kind support. It didn't work either, but the explanation was 
really usable for any fool ;) I'd prefer it to be on the Debian website, for it 
would solve a lot of trouble in the first place.

I typed a new bugreport with the netboot, but wanted to thank you personally. I 
know it's your spare time, it's also mine ;)

Have an nice day

----- original Nachricht --------

Betreff: Re: Re: Bug#595914: Bug-report / installation-report
Gesendet: Di, 07. Sep 2010
Von: Christian PERRIER<>

> Quoting Jomei Ischowieda (
> > Hi there!
> > 
> > Actually I don't mind, for I'd love to get rid of my problem ;) You'd just
> need to explain how, 'cause I'm a newbie to this and the online
> documentation does not provide the right information, I fear. Anyway I don't
> know how to use the information provided.
> 1) go to
> 2) read and find "daily built images"
> 3) choose "other images (netboot, usb stick, floppy, etc)"
> 4) choose your architecture: i386 is safe for all "PC" style
> machines. "amd64" is the 64èbit version of Debian and is suitable for
> any reasonably modern processor. I'd then recommend amd64
> 5) choose "netboot"
> 6) click in mini.iso
> 7) save to disk
> 8) use your favorite CD burning application (yes, there are some good
> ones even for Windows, even as Free Software)
> 9) burn the image on a fresh CD 
> 10) boot your new machine with that CD
> 11) answer questions
> > 
> > My network uses as Gateway/DNS-Server without DHCP enabled,
> but if necessary I'm able to provide DHCP. The notebook is capable of
> network booting via BIOS, but then I don't know how to give him the right
> server to install from. I hope that helps a bit.
> 12) even though the image is named "netboot", you don't need a boot
> server to boot it. It is named this way because, being as minimal as
> possible, everything is downloaded off the network as soon as possible
> > 
> > Personally I'd prefer a netinst-package, for it is simple enough for a
> noob like me. 
> There is no difference in usability between netboot and netinst.
> I'm afraid I can't give more details in a reasonable time, which is
> currently part of my free time...:-)
> Ah, don't forget answering to the bug report mail address instead of
> just the individual who happened to answer you. This way, things are
> being tracked down in the BTS. This, you couldn't guess...:)

--- original Nachricht Ende ----

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