(CC'ing you as I answer quite late and you might miss the answer. No need to CC me back)
Quoting Thibaut Girka (t...@sitedethib.com): > > If you want to try, I can build an image for x86/qemu right now. > > "Right now"... well, here it is, but be patient, it's behind my home > connection! > http://www.sitedethib.com/files/mini.iso Downloaded the image. I gavce it a first try. At very first glance, things are working: I just click on the virtual keyboard and letters are entered. A few comments: - we'll need to have a way to activate this only for devices/machines that need it. Probably in place of the standard keymap selection that means nothing for such machines, I guess (moreover, I did choose the French layout but the virtual keymap has a QWERTY layout - The äëö key is strange. Hitting it turns "e" into "ë", but not "a" and "o". It also turns "2" to "1/2" and "3" to "3/4". - there are 4 keys at the bottom right, close to "@" that have simple squares as symbols (probably characters dropped from the font used in D-I). --
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