Quoting Paul Wise (p...@debian.org):
> Hi all,
> Would it be possible to unblock busybox? It has been waiting for 117
> days with no RC bugs. If it is not unblocked then there will be no
> udhcpc/udhcpc packages in squeeze (there were in lenny).
> [I'm subscribed to -release, no need to CC]

By reading the changelog, there are changes that could affect D-I, but
I don't think they might break it:

   [ Otavio Salvador ]
   * [udeb] set executable bit in udhcpc script
   * [udeb] write a lease file for udhcpc response
   [ Frans Pop ]
   * [udeb] disable CONFIG_CTTYHACK as it's no longer used in D-I.

The most unknown effect is probably:

   [ Bastian Blank ]
   * New upstream release.

...but after 117 days, we would have known if something had been badly
broken as this version is what we have in the daily builds.

Otavio, any objections?

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