(please keep crosspost)

Two new templates appeared recently in D-I, in the hw-detect

They're related to the possibility of using "driver injection disks"
to allow using OEM drivers for some devices. This feature was imported
from Ubuntu.

I think that these tempaltes deserve a review, to guarantee
consistency with wording and style in other parts of D-I.

Here they are:

Template: debian-installer/driver-injection-disk-detect/title
Type: text
#  Main menu item
# :sl1:
_Description: Detect OEM driver injection disks

Template: driver-injection-disk/load
Type: boolean
# :sl2:
_Description: Load OEM supported drivers from driver injection disk?
 Your OEM has prepared internal media that contains the drivers you may
 need for supporting this hardware with this OS release.

My first concern here is that "OEM" is close to be jargon....and
"driver injection disk" is something quite uncommon AFAICT.

Why not just talk about "drivers disk"? This is how things are named
everywhere (either in the free software world or in the proprietary
software world).

"Your OEM" also sounds weird. I do not own any OEM...:-). I would say
something like "my hardware supplier" or "The hardware manufacturer".

"this hardware": what hardware? The template doesn't say what part of
the machine might need extra drivers. As it might be complicated to
telle which in the template, at least we could be vague and say "Some

"this OS release": we never talk like this in other parts of D-I. If
we want to avoid branding ("this release of Debian"), we could at
least use "this release of the operating system").

Any other comments?


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