Frans Pop <> (26/02/2010):
> I'm sorry, but I can't. I've simply looked at wht cursors I actually
> see when running an install.
> I guess it should be possible to derive it from the code of the
> frontend or cairo or gtk or whatever is responsible for changing the
> cursor. But the window resizing ones are simply not needed because
> we (currently) don't have any windows for which we want to allow
> resizing.

OK. I think I'm going to pass for this round, and use no -theme-udeb
for now. It looks like there are some default cursors available for at
least the ordinary arrow and for the ā€˜Iā€™-shaped text cursor.

FTWCA X cursors: I didn't find many programs able to deal with them,
even when it comes to displaying only. I've finally found something
this morning: Gimp XMC (X Mouse Cursors) plugin.


Basically, download the tarball, run ./configure && make, then either
use make install with appropriate DESTDIR, or follow the INSTALL file
and use gimptool instead.

I might look later into requesting (i.e. sending a patch for) its
addition to gimp-plugin-registry. Bernd seemed happy with it after a
quick talk on IRC.

> I can't be much help here as I'm not a GNOME user, so I'm not
> familiar with the themes. I just thought the one used in your first
> image looked rather crude.

I must confess I really did only package the udeb and ship it, I
didn't focus much on that.

> It would be good if someone who is could try out a few and either
> pick one that looks good, or post some screenshots.

Should be easier once this plugin available more directly.

> No, the theme can be selected using a boot parameter. Try
> 'theme=dark' with a Lenny image (also works for the newt
> frontend). But it is known before X is started, so changing a
> symlink or a config file is possible.

Sounds cool. Will take care of it once some cursors have been chosen.


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