On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 00:43:02 +0100, Frans Pop wrote:

> On Thursday 11 February 2010, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> >  - Trying to integrate console-setup properly this time, so that once
> >    one has set it up once in d-i, preferences can be fed directly into
> >    the installed system, so that one doesn't need to answer the very
> >    same questions again. Even though console-setup might chosen in the
> >    end (although it looks like the way to go to tweak X), that's going
> >    to be a good exercise for me. :)
> That's a fairly big issue. Please have a look at the post-base-installer 
> script for kbd-chooser which already does that if kbd-chooser is used in 
> D-I (basically it preseeds console-setup in the target environment based 
> on the keyboard selection in D-I).
> Maybe there's an alternative implementation possible, but I don't really 
> see why. I'd say that using preseeding is a more obvious solution when 
> console-setup-udeb is used than when kbd-chooser is used as the questions 
> should be the same (and thus also the desired values).
It looks like the bug here is simply that
console-setup/debian/console-setup-udeb.base-installer was not updated
when /etc/default/keyboard was split out from /etc/default/console-setup
so the keyboard layout doesn't get copied to the installed system


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