Hi there,

I have already spoken with otavio on irc about some issues but things become
clrearer right now.

I need to customize d-i:

 - change the d-i start picture (klowner.png)

 - presseed auto-partitionning, user creation and apt mirror

 - install lot of debian and personnal packages at the end of the installation

 - having a stable installer with a backported kernel for supporting latest
   hardware and install debian stable packages and a backported kernel.
   ( In fact I need to have at the end a stable debian which can detect and
   support new hardware).

I had a look to simple-cdd but don't know if it can fill all my needs.

I already know some ways I could do this but wanted to have opinions from d-i
team members about how you could manage to do this.

 ,''`. Xavier Oswald (xosw...@debian.org)
: :' : GNU/LINUX Debian Developer <http://www.debian.org> 
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