On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 09:35:47PM +0100, Josef Wolf wrote:
> AFAICS, getting vlan support into the installer needs to be done in three
> steps:
> 1. Get 8021q kernel module into installer environment.
> 2. Install vlan package into installer environment. Only the vconfig
>    binary (9kb) is really needed. But it needs libc6. Is this an issue?
> 3. Check interface names for vlan-format and call vconfig accordingly.
> Doesn't look like rocket science, IMHO.

OK, I've now checked how this could be done technically. Now I need some
guidance concerning the user interface.

My first assumption is that vlan is not really a common setup, so the
average user should not be bothered with questions about it. Thus any
debconf values concerning vlan should be of "low" priority (or even better
be avoided entirely)

The next question is how this should be integrated into netcfg.

My favorite would be to simply check whether the nectfg/choose_interface
value matches one of the vlan naming conventions. In other words, we would
have to recognize four formats here:

 eth0.0005  =>  phys_if=eth0, vlan=5, name_type=DEV_PLUS_VID
 eth0.5     =>  phys_if=eth0, vlan=5, name_type=DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD
 vlan0005   =>  phys_if=ASK,  vlan=5, name_type=VLAN_PLUS_VID
 vlan5      =>  phys_if=ASK,  vlan=5, name_type=VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD

Since the interface name can be used to decide whether to activate vlan
support, no new debconf questions (like netcfg/enable_vlan or something)
are needed, IMHO.

The rest would be mostly straight forward: load stp, garp and 8021q modules,
install vlan.udeb, run vconfig, adjust /e/n/i.


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