Anton Zinoviev wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 04:49:40AM -0600, Jonathan Nieder wrote:

>> What do you think?  I would be tempted to fix some of these and then
>> abuse the services of debian-l10n-en to clean up the result. :-)
> Please fix them - IĀ appreciate your work. :)

Okay, I'll work on it.

> Are you sure about the dots at the end of the titles?

My logic was: these are implied questions, so they are full sentences.
In other words, I am thinking of the document as a sort of dialogue:

 Q. The font is broken after I switch to X and back to the console.

 A. Actually, the boot-time font replaces the font of console-setup.
    In most cases, this means that non-ASCII symbols are replaced by
    some other funny symbols. [...]

If these are only titles, I would have expected most of them to be
sentence fragments:

 1.1. Broken fonts after switching from X back to the console

 Sometimes switching from X back to the console appears to leave fonts
 garbled.  Actually, the boot-time font replaces the font set up by
 console-setup.  In most cases, this means that non-ASCII symbols are
 replaced [...]

But I do not feel strongly about this at all.

> I somehow doubt about using debian-l10n-en - this will make me hesitate 
> if I want to edit something in the FAQ.

Oh, I wasn't suggesting calling for translations, or copy-editing every
time the FAQ changes.  I just suspect that the subscribers there are
much better at tweaking documentation for clarity than I am, and I am
not very confident in the clarity of my own writing.

On the other hand, their time is worth a lot, so it might not be worth
using it on a long non Debian-specific document like this.

> Now I noticed that #535834 needs to be documented too.

Thanks for the comments.


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