On Saturday 14 November 2009, Jérémy Bobbio wrote:
> get_release() calls validate_codename() and validate_codename() calls
> get_release(). I like mutually recursive functions in Haskell, but
> it might be better to avoid them in C, I'd say. ;)

I've looked if this can be a problem. Below the cases I've identified
(and tested).

The notation is as follows:
- A -> B        : A is a symlink to directory B
- A : X/Y       : directory A has a Release file with Suite: X, Codename: Y

1) stable -> lenny; lenny : stable/lenny

=> normal situation, cannot recurse

2) lenny : (old)stable/lenny

=> normal situation for archive.d.o, no problem

3) karmic : karmic/karmic

=> valid mirror; will never call validate_codename()

4) testing -> lenny; lenny : stable/lenny

=> bad mirror from reading testing/Release; will never call validate_codename()

5) testing -> lenny; lenny : testing/XXXXX

=> bad mirror from reading lenny/Release after calling validate_codename()

6) testing : XXXXX/testing

=> will use testing as codename; will never call validate_codename()

7) stable : XXXXX/testing

=> bad mirror from reading stable/Release; will never call validate_codename()

The next two cases are for extremely (deliberately) broken mirrors. Only
the last one is problematic, but that is so broken that I don't think we
need to allow for that.

8) stable : stable/testing; testing -> squeeze; squeeze : testing/squeeze

=> will recurse into validate_codename() twice; fails after reading 

9) stable : stable/testing; testing -> testing/stable

=> this produces an endless recursion!

Cases where either Suite or Codename are missing
In these case validate_codename() can never be called.


=> no problem: will set 'XXXXX' as both suite and codename


=> bad mirror

If anyone can think of any cases I've missed, let me know.


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