As part of the preparation of an alpha release (see minutes of
yesterday's meeting), I stepped up to work on the errata file.

As usual, I started from the last errata file (the Lenny RC1
version...which is indeed the errata file for the Lenny installer).

Please find below the current status of this file.

What do you folks think is worth being mentioned there (probably a lot
of things: I feel like we have many failure cases due to the low
testing threshold and the fact that many issues are obviously not


#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Installer errata"
#use wml::debian::recent_list

<h1 id="squeeze-alpha1">Errata for squeeze release alpha 1</h1>

This is a list of known problems in the squeeze alpha 1 release of
Debian Installer. If you do not see your problem listed here,
please send us an <a href="report-template">installation report</a>
describing the problem.

<dl class="gloss">
      <dt>GRUB stuff</dt>
      <dd>Something about issues introduced by GRUB 2. See <a href="";>#477094/a>
	<dt>Auto-assembly of RAID arrays in rescue mode can corrupt data</dt>
        Rescue mode should be used with great care when software RAID
        arrays were in use on the system to rescue. The rescue mode scripts
        automatically assemble arrays, which could lead to data corruption in
        the presence of invalid or obsolete RAID superblocks.
	<dt>Buggy routers may cause network problems</dt>
	If you experience network problems during the installation, this may be
	caused by a router somewhere between you and the Debian mirror that
	doesn't correctly handle window scaling.
	See <a href="";>#401435</a> and this
	<a href="";>kerneltrap article</a> for
	details.<br />
	You can work around this issue by disabling TCP window scaling. Activate
	a shell and enter the following command:<br />
	<tt>echo 0 &gt; /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling</tt><br />
	For the installed system you should probably not completely disable TCP
	window scaling. The following command will set ranges for reading and
	writing that should work with almost any router:<br />
	<tt>echo 4096 65536 65536 &gt;/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem</tt><br />
	<tt>echo 4096 65536 65536 &gt;/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem</tt>

<!-- leaving this in for possible future use...
	<dt>i386: more than 32 mb of memory is needed to install</dt>
	The minimum amount of memory needed to successfully install on i386
	is 48 mb, instead of the previous 32 mb. We hope to reduce the
	requirements back to 32 mb later. Memory requirements may have
	also changed for other architectures.

	<dt>i386: few issues</dt>
	The i386 port has some known issues in this release:
	<li>Due to an increase in the size of the kernel, we are unable
	to provide installation images for installs from floppy disk. We
	expect to be able to support floppy installs again when the installer
	switches to the next kernel version.</li>

	<dt>s390: unsupported features</dt>
		<li>support for the DASD DIAG discipline is currently not

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